
general dynamics中文是什么意思

  • 通用动力 美国 航空航天
  • 通用动力公司



  • 例句与用法
  • We could have made $50 million a year just by putting what general dynamics paid us into a money market fund.
  • Using asp and data dictionary technologies to solve the problem of general dynamic querying in web database
  • The application of the fault detection and diagnosis algorithms based on mathematical model and simulation for general dynamic system is very difficult
  • The first of class , the seawolf ssn21 , was ordered from the electric boat division of general dynamics , connecticut , in january 1989 and commissioned in july 1997
  • General dynamics ' net slipped as charges in its shipbuilding operation helped offset strength in its gulfstream commercial - aviation unit . overall sales soared 35 %
    一般的动力学的在它的造船操作作为费用被滑动了的网络在它的海湾溪流商业航空单位帮助了偏移量力量。全面的出售上涨了35 % 。
  • In chapter 5 , based on theoretical analysis of the hydro - viscous dynamic performance , digital simulation is done by using general dynamic simulation software matlab . the experiment is also operated to validate the legitimacy of the theoretical analysis
  • First , the dynamics of soil properties in different period during a year from the long - term no - tillage and ridge culture experiment field are researched in order to get the general dynamic properties of organic matter , chemical substances , microbe , ph and eh in soil
  • Considering of flexible installing of machines , which were supported by multi - mounts and disturbed by multi - excitations in engineering practice , a general dynamic model for the complex active - passive flexible isolation systems is presented . the mobility approach is extended to the analysis of the active isolation systems , and the power flow transmitted into the plate - like foundation of the systems is studied using substructure mobility synthetic technique . then the active control strategies of the power flow are discussed from the viewpoint of insertion loss , and the transmission mechanism is revealed for the flexible coupling isolation systems which comprise active elements
  • After giving all - sided analysis and evaluation on kinds of memory allocation pattern , it designs rtps _ cached _ allocator , a pooled memory allocator which can decrease the overhead resulted from the general dynamic heap allocation , in order to improve the dynamic performance of a system and meet the de mand of qos predictability . a memory pool management framework , mpmf , is also shown
    在全面分析总结各种内存分配模式及其优缺点与适用环境的基础上,针对实时响应系统对动态性能和qos可预测性的需求,设计实现了一个能够有效减少内存分配开销的池式分配器rtpsmachemllocator ,提出了一个内存池管理框架mpmf 。
  • Testing datas are gathered by using data picking box cras . a general dynamic model for analyzing characters of vibration system has also been developed according to the input and output applied on the testing system . identifications for structure modal parameters and frequency - spectrum characters have been carried out by calling the interface software developed unpon matlab software in both the time field and the frequency field . the structure modal parameters and frequency - spectrum characters have been accurately calculated
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general dynamics的中文翻译,general dynamics是什么意思,怎么用汉语翻译general dynamics,general dynamics的中文意思,general dynamics的中文general dynamics in Chinesegeneral dynamics的中文general dynamics怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。
